We have been asked many times where is the correct place to position a plaster ceiling rose, the confusion arises where there is a chimney breast in the room, as there often is in the older Victorian properties where many of our ceiling roses are fitted.
The easiest way to find the centre of the room and therefore the correct position for the ceiling rose, is to run two string lines from one corner of the room to the opposite corner, where these two string lines meet will be the centre of the room.
The mistake that is often made is to measure back from the chimney breast, and to site the ceiling rose on the mid point between the chimney breast and the opposite wall, this is not the centre of the room.
When fitting any of our plaster ceiling roses, please remember to screw through them into the floor joists and not to just rely on adhesive to keep them up, they are much stronger than people often think, and will not crack, for best results always countersink the screws and fill the screw heads.